Friday, December 19, 2008

Waiting for the car to warm up.

So we got one heck of a wicked ice storm last night.

My aunt, who I work for, called me last night, and asked if I wanted to trade hours with a girl from work, so that I could come in later. I said no. I hate getting home late, especially on Fridays.

She called me like 15 minutes later, and said that she was on the interstate, going 27mph....because that's all the faster she could go. She told me to stay home today, and if she really needed me, she'd call.

I just got off the phone with a coworker of mine, and he said that there were like, 8 kids at the daycare. So, sounds like I get the day off! Woot!

So....Christmas has kind of snuck up on me. It's less than a week away. I have most of my shopping done....but I do still have a couple things to pick up. Luckily, I have all day to get it done.

The kids, mostly Kaitlyn, have been getting anxious for Christmas. Now that there are presents under the tree, Kaitlyn has become very curious about the tree. She asked me this yesterday:

Kaitlyn: Who's birthday is it?
Ashley: No ones?
Kaitlyn: Then why do we have birthday presents under the Christmas tree?

I laughed. She's so cute.

Alex is still using the potty at daycare on a pretty regular basis. However, at home he has no interest at all. I'm not really worried, or upset at this point...he only just turned it's not a big deal at this point. I just think it's funny.

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