Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dreams are weird....

So I had this dream last night....starring Amanda as Amanda, me as me, and John Turturro as Amanda's very wealthy boyfriend, Strom.

So the three of us were out somewhere celebrating their anniversary. I have no idea why I was along for this....but oh well. I don't really know where we were....but it was someplace very fancy. We were all decked out in ball gowns and Strom was wearing a tux. So we are enjoying our evening, when Strom catches Amanda kissing some guy that works at this place that we are at. He gets really angry, and Amanda explains that it's over between her and this other guy. That was just a goodbye kiss.

So Strom is okay with this, as long as it really is the end, and it will never happen again. So we continue our evening...having a great time. Then it is time to leave. Strom takes off to get the limo. Amanda and I are left talking to eachother. And then she's all, isn't Justin great? And I was like, what? Then she goes on to tell me all about Justin and how they are in love, but she's not going to break it off with Strom, cause how else are we going to have wonderful evenings like the one we just had....

So we go outside and are waiting for Strom on this huge set of stairs, when Justin appears and starts making out with Amanda. Just then, the limo pulls up and Justin disappears. I start walking down the stairs, because I'm really hoping that Strom did not see that kiss. I get to the limo, and Amanda is way behind me.

Strom gets out of the limo with a huge white box. He opens it up to reveal probably at least a hundred roses, and dumps them onto the street. He then looks at me, points, and says, "This is all YOUR fault!" Then he shoved me backwards.

"MY fault?" I say, then I shove him back into the street. He looks at me, looks at Amanda, then turns around and starts running across six lanes of traffic. He is then hit by a semi-truck. It's like in the cartoons when someone gets hit, and they are just kinda stuck to the front of the truck...no blood or broken bones or anything.

So everyone around us stops what they are doing, and starts calling 911. By this point, Amanda is standing next to me, and I look over at her phone and it says '811'. I tell her not to worry about it because a lot of people are already calling. Then I look over to the truck, and see Strom begining to peal himself off the truck. I look at Amand, and we start running.

He catches up to us, and grabs a fistfull of my hair, and is screaming at me while we are all still running. I start screaming for help, and we finally run into a group of people. He lets go of my hair, and runs up past us. As we keep walking in that direction, we walk past the people and they are all giving me dirty looks, like 'what the hell is her problem'.

That is when I woke up.

I have no idea what that means.