Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Way to go, buddy!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Alex totally pooped on the potty today. He has yet to use the potty at home....but oh well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Marriage for 3 year olds legalized in Nebraska?

So yesterday at daycare, Kaitlyn comes up to me and asks me to help her put on one of the many costumes that we have up there. This particular costume happens to be a wedding dress. So I help her put it on, then she says,

"I'm getting married." Then she walks away.

I continue to listen and watch her. She walks over to her 'boyfriend' Mathias, and says....

"I'm married from you, right?"

Mathias happily replies, "Yup." and they walk away holding hands.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Do you ever feel like the world is crashing down around you? Do you ever see people that are close to you, that are making poor decisions, or hurting others that are close to you, and there is nothing you can do about it?

My friend of nearly 17 years, has just broken up with her boyfriend of nearly 5 years....with an email. The boyfriend has been a very good friend to me in the past....these last few years we haven't been as close....but his sister was a bridesmaid in my wedding, she introduced me to Joe, I'm to be her personal attendant in her wedding next spring.

The boyfriend is broken and bleeding, and the sister is a ball of anger. Now I don't agree with the way my friend chose to break it off....but she's still my friend. At the same time....I don't want to loose my friends on the other side. The sister has told me that we are okay....that she is not upset with me for still being there for my friend. But....I can't help but feel like I'm betraying the sister's friendship by simply continuing to be friends with this girl.

All I can do is wait. Time will heal the wounds. Hopefully I can stay sane through all of this.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Everyone else is doing it....

I don't know how often I'll "blog"....but I thought I should join the party....

So, read if you like...or not....whatever.