Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I haven't posted anything in forever....

Life is pretty uneventful right now.

Kaitlyn is currently in her third session of swim lessons. She's missed like four days out of the ten....so that's not cool. She loves to swim! She's been doing really well. She has even been listening to her "teachers" very well.

In less than a month, my baby girl will be starting preschool. Time seems to pass on by without you noticing, until these milestones come along. Then it seems that you are unprepared for them. I'm ready for her to get some time away from me, because we spend so much time together, that we drive each other crazy....but I'm going to miss her. I'm not ready for her to grow up. I think I'm going to cry on her first day of school. She's so excited. We just bought her a Hello Kitty backpack. I think she'll do great!

Alexander is crazy as ever. A while back, he was getting up at 2 am every morning, without fail, to find, and eat candy. We didn't know what to do. Then, we cut chocolate out of his diet, and after two days, chocolate free, he did not get up at all. So...no more chocolate for Alex. Apparently the caffine goes straight to his head. He was very mad about it to begin with. He was a huge fan of chocolate milk. At the daycare we often have choices for the kids to make, regarding snack or milk choices, where they have to choose white (vanilla) or chocolate. It took quite some time for not only him to get over not having a choice, and for the teachers (mainly my aunt) to stop giving him the decision to make.

He has his up and down days as far as potty training goes. Some days he'll be dry and go potty every hour. Some days he is wet, and refuses to even sit on the potty. It can be frustrating, since I know he can do it. I was hoping to have him potty trained before three...but I'm beginning to think that it won't happen.

He is still a thumb sucker. This doesn't concern me too much at this point, since he is only two. I just don't want him to go to kindergarten still sucking his thumb.

It'll be about 3 years, and we will be out of debt. Then, hopefully, we'll be able to jump right baclk into it, when we buy a house of our own. The children will both be in school by then, hopefully I will no longer be working in Gretna...I'm looking forward to it! Apartment living is finally starting to get to me. We might be looking to move to a different apartment next year. I do not like not having our own washer and dryer in our apartment. It's just a hassle, especially since we have our own in Tina's garage.

Well, I think I got everyone pretty much up to speed....I'll call it good for now.