Sunday, March 29, 2009

What a shitty way to end the weekend....

I got a call at about a quarter till 6pm tonight from my mom's boyfriend. He was very upset, if not crying than almost crying. He told me that my mom had wrecked her motorcycle and that she was alive and talking. He said that it was on 20th and Superior, and that I needed to come down. (For those of you who do not know, I live on 7th and Superior.)

Joe and I threw shoes on the kids and ourselves, and flew down the road as fast as possible. Joe parked the car on the side street, and I ran up to the scene. My mom was lying on the pavement in the middle of West bound traffic on Superior with paramedics surrounding her.

When I got closer, I could hear her shouting about the pain in her leg and arm. The paramedics were cutting off her leather jacket, and her jeans as I came to stand by Jeff (my mom's boyfriend). They got her onto the stretcher, saying that the leg was definitely broken. Jeff said I could ride with her to Bryan LGH West in the ambulance.

I rode in the passenger seat on the way to the hospital. When we got there, the driver of the ambulance told me that we were going to go into the hospital, and immediately to the left would be a waiting room and I would have to wait there until they were ready for me.

After a half hour or so, a nurse came and got me, and told me that I could see my mom for a minute, and then they would have to do splints and I would have to leave. So my kids and I went into the room, gave her a quick kiss, and she told me that she was going to be fine....then we were ushered out.

After much waiting, the doctor came to see us. He told us that her right leg was broken right below the knee....pretty much shattered. It would require pins and multiple surgeries. He also said that her left arm was broken, right below the shoulder....pretty much shattered the ball joint. They might be able to make it heal correctly, but if not...she might have to have her entire shoulder replaced.

She has no internal bleeding that they could identify, and her head is fine. She has a small scratch on her nose, from her glasses. She was wearing a leather coat, and no road rash.

They said they will monitor her over night, and if her leg doesn't swell too much, then they will tentatively do surgery at 10am. (tentatively meaning as long as no one comes in with a more serious injury.)

I talked to Jeff. This is what happened as far as he knows....

They were riding their motorcycles up Superior, towards our apartment. Jeff was in front of her. There were two cars in front of them.

The light at 20th and Superior changed to yellow.

The cars in front of them slammed on their brakes.

Jeff tapped his brake.

Jeff heard my mom lay on her back brake. (which is apparently a no no, says Jeff. You are supposed to use your front brake more?) He heard a squeal, I guess.

He looked in his mirror, to see my mom flying one way, and her bike going the other way.

He whipped around, and blocked traffic....called 911...called me.

The two cars in front of them? Slammed on their brakes for the yellow light.........ended up running the light anyway.